Service Is an Honor and a Privilege.

And for like-minded hospitality professionals, it’s a way of life. Because a host, above all, is at the service of his guests. A life of service demands unwavering dedication: answering the call in the middle of the night, and rising every morning to take on the day. It means no task is above or beneath us. It means we choose to do the right thing, the right way, on time, every time. Service means we commit ourselves to something greater: a tradition—and a community—that always puts others first.

A hand is putting up a sign on the door handle that says 'please do not disturb'

Our Values

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    Speaking and acting truthfully, is more than not lying, deceiving, stealing, or cheating. We show respect towards others by having integrity and self-awareness.

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    Strong support for and loyalty to our clients, customers, our families, our communities and each other.

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    Work Ethic

    Personal values that determine how we approach work. Our strong work ethic combines highly motivated people and produces consistently high-quality results.

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    We believe in reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of our people. Our clients place confidence in us.

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Exquisite Events Start With Exceptional Staff
Sensational Meals From Acclaimed Chefs
Remarkable Amenities At World Class Hotels
Seamless Operations For An Enjoyable Stay
Warm Welcomes From Friendly Staff Leadership

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    James DiNardo


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    Dean DiNardo

    Sales Operations Executive

Who We Support

We support hotels, restaurants and resorts across 6 U.S. time zones.
We support the communities we serve.
We support our workers and their families.
We support veteran, child, animal and community nonprofits and causes.

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Exceptional Hospitality People are a limited resource, and in order to preserve quality we can’t work with everyone. We only onboard select clients and there is a waiting list. Click below to book a quick consultation.
