Hospitality Staff Peak Hiring

March 13, 2024

By James DiNardo

Hospitality staff peak hiring can present a serious challenge.

  • Summer months are approaching. Hotels begin to prepare for the influx of guests that will be visiting their establishments. Hospitality staff peak hiring is a critical component of preparing for the busy season. It’s is important to make sure that you have the right people in place to meet the needs of your guests. This article will discuss some tips on how to staff your hotel for peak season.

    Firstly, hire temporary workers to help with the increase in demand. Traditional methods of finding staff are not enough in lean labor markets. Explore networking opportunities and build relationships with third party vendors with deeper alternate sources of workers.

    Then, train your current staff on new procedures and protocols for the busy season. The concept that you will find all the staff you need and they will already have deep experience without training is far less common in 2022. Repurposing quality people to new tasks is commonplace. Start with quality people who want to work and the training process will shorten.

    Following up to review your budget and make changes where necessary is crucial to hospitality staff peak hiring. This includes budgeting for demand seasons as costs of labor are typically higher. Don’t allow the budget to cut out the ability to have the staff needed serve the client and generate revenue. Be prepared to offset lack of local labor by providing low or no cost lodgings to bring in staff to live and work.

    Create a schedule that maximizes the efficiency of your hotel’s resources. Cross training staff to handle multiple tasks is key. Many workers are not interested in part time work in this economic climate.

    Communicate with guests about any changes or delays they may experience during their stay. Many clients are also aware hospitality staff peak season hiring is a difficulty you are facing. Be honest but don’t make excuses.

    Above all, thank your team for their hard work during peak season! Happy workers are more likely to produce results and to stay on though the demand.

    Hospitality staff peak hiring doesn’t have to break your business.

    Now is the time to start planning for your hotel’s busy season. By hiring temporary workers, training your current staff on new procedures and protocols and reviewing your budget you have started the essential preparations.

    Continuing to modify and making changes where necessary, creating a schedule that maximizes efficiency and communicating with guests about any changes or delays they may experience will ease the pain of the process.

    Combining this with thanking your team for their hard work you can ensure that your property runs smoothly and efficiently during the busiest time of year.

    For more information on how to staff your hotel for peak season, please contact us today.

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